How does this blog work?
Welcome to the HIC Presidential Elections blog. This is a normal blog that has been adapted to serve the purpose of mediator for these elections.
In this first step, the discussion in this blog will occur in the "Nominate a Candidate" section. You can find this section in the left hand column, under HIC Blog Contents.
You can post nominations/messages/comments by clicking on the "comments" link in the nominations page. The procedure to do this is as follows:
- Click on the "# comments" link on the bottom of the post.
- A small screen will appear inviting you to make a comment.
- In the box provided, please write your nomination/message/comment.
- When you are done you will be asked to copy the text that is shown in wavy letters in order to verify that it is not an automated post. Please copy the letters into the space provided.
- After this step, it will ask you to identify yourself. You should always choose the option "other". It will then ask you to fill your name and to list your organization's website.
- After finishing these steps, click on "post comment"
- You are done. Your comment will be updated as soon as it is monitored in order to insure relevance to the electoral process.